Thursday, July 30, 2009

Best Eight Ways to Build Muscle

By Chris Tan

Carbo loading - The greatest of all the muscle building tips is to gain as much healthy weight as you possibly can. New muscles can only be built when your body has a surplus of calories even after you have burnt calories during a good work-out. The extra calories will be used to repair damaged tissue and build new muscle. Your calorie intake target should be 20 times your body weight.

Your Fat Intake - Hormones play a major role in the stimulation and growth of muscle. In order to produce hormones, the body must have a certain amount of fat intake. Research has proven that the amount of testosterone in the body is directly linked to the amount of fat supplied. It is very important to know the difference between good fats and bad fats. Saturated fats are unhealthy for the body and have shown to cause the onset of heart disease and stroke. EFAs or Essential Fatty Acids such as omega 3 and 6 are exceptional in producing the stimulation of testosterone for building muscle.

Detoxifying Your Body - Cleansing the body is an essential part of the muscle building process as well as anyone else looking to be healthy. Damage from free radicals should be minimized or prevented. This can be done by implementing the use of anti-oxidants such as vitamin A, C, E, Selenium, Glutathione as well as the common multi-vitamin. Do these muscle building tips sound feasible? The intense regimen of muscle building requires commitment, dedication and will power. Listed below are some additional helpful tips to guide you in your quest for building strong, lean, healthy muscle.

Water Intake - All physicians recommend that everyone drink at least 32 ounces or 8 glasses of water a day in order to keep the body hydrated and cleansed. This is especially important in the pursuit of muscle building. As the protein intake increases, toxins begin to build up in the kidneys, liver and bloodstream. Water is a naturally pure resource that rehydrates after an intense workout regimen as well as flushes toxins from the body. If the body is denied proper hydration, serious kidney damage can occur.

Rest - Proper rest after exercise is the best-kept secret on your muscle building journey. Muscles are not built during exercise; they are built during the resting phase. Carbo load, train regularly and hard. Lastly allow your body to have sufficient rest.

Endurance - Muscles are not build over-night, it takes time. Your endurance and persistence will be well rewarded.

Right equipment - Exercising the different muscular groups with the correct equipment is absolutely essential for muscle building. The equipment should have variable resistance settings, specifically free-weight. Heavy weights should be used. However the weight should still be appropriate by giving you the ability to do only eight reps. Low reps and heavy weights stimulate muscle growth substantially because of the strain on the muscle- and nerve system. Technique is just as important as the right equipment. You will just waste your time if you work out for hours on the right equipment but employ the wrong techniques. By employing wrong techniques in combination with the heavy weights, you are at risk of sustaining serious and long-term injuries.

Sections - Putting your workout into specific sections performed on specific days allows the routines to never become boring. In addition, each group is given the opportunity to rest and recover which allows the muscles to grow at a much higher rate.

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