Friday, September 18, 2009

Come Join The Mafia Wars Family

By Chris Matton

Playing Mafia Wars on Facebook and Twitter is lots of fun, but it's's more fun when you build up a giant and tough Mafia family. The more Facebook or Twitter friends that you can get to join your family the more powerful your family becomes. If you want to rule the area, you simply cannot do it with a family of three.

So how does one get your Mafia Wars family to become the dominating face in the street let alone the neighborhood if your usual Facebook pals are not into games? Fortunately , you're not the only one seeking family members.

By simply building up your stats with your talent points, gaining an income thanks to properties and missions, and developing the Mafia Wars family you can play a fantasy game that puts into the attracting world of the Mafia.

When you start gathering money through the missions, remember that you will need to build up revenue. You do this very just by making an investment in properties. As you develop properties you'll start receiving further money, not only the money that you earn from your missions.

Other players can attack your Mafia Wars family. If you do not put the money you have earned in the bank, you leave yourself exposed to attacks that scouse borrow your money. When you attack other Mafia families you build up your talent level so that you have a more adept family.

When you are all on one another's Facebook or Twitter friends list you simply send one another your links to join each other's families. You'll soon be gathering loot as family members take you out on missions and you will be able to build up your special present collection as you and your friends send special gifts forwards and backwards. The larger your family becomes, the more these free tiny perks help you build up your game.

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