Sunday, September 20, 2009

How White Gold Pendants became the Best Jewelry option

By Taylor Sanders

When purchasing gold jewelry, white gold pendants have become sought after a lot more than yellow gold. There are several reasons for this (which we'll cover shortly), but one of the main reasons is the signification. Maybe these white gold pendants make people luckier, or allow others to know you have great wealth. Then again, you could just like it better then yellow gold.

One thing you will want to be sure of is that you buy your white gold pendants from an accredited jeweler, since it can be hard to tell the difference between white gold and silver visually, but there is a drastic difference in price, since white gold is considerably worth more than silver.

If you want to know the difference between yellow and white gold, it involves the dipping of the alloys. All 18 karat gold is 75% pure, and when it comes to white gold, the alloys are mixed with 18 karat gold. If you take a close look at yellow gold, alloy metals are mixed with copper and zinc. White gold on the other hand is made with a combination of silver and palladium. Even more so, white gold is coated with rhodium, which is almost like platinum.

These are just a few of the reasons why white gold is a more expensive than yellow gold. Since the rhodium is present, the pendants are much stronger and durable, which could last a lifetime. It's why people actually choose 18 karat gold. However, if you're looking for white or yellow engagement rings this is evident, but in white gold pendants, dress jewelry and earrings may go with a 9 to 14 karat for a cheaper price.

You will know when you first see white gold because it's shiny and white. It signifies purification, and many parents buy them for their children. In order to get this beautiful appeal and keep it, there needs to maintenance about once a year. All you need to do is get the rhodium re-plated and everything will be as good as new.

The good news is, white gold is cheaper then platinum. It's one of the reason individuals choose this over the latter. They both look similar so paying a fraction of the cost is a great benefit. Then of course it looks a lot more expensive than yellow gold.

White gold pendants often highlight the stones that are put in them better because of the highly reflective quality of the colors against the white gold. The yellow gold gives a duller reflection, although some prefer the reflection of yellow gold, when it comes to engagement rings and otherwise, they will choose platinum, since it does not have to be re-plated and is naturally shiny by nature, although significantly more expensive.

What it comes down to is according to the price, the style, the appeal, and the durability, there isn't anything that compares to it. We know you'll know exactly what we're talking about the first time you see them as well.

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